Assume a push-up position adjacent to low A-bar. Place one hand on low A-bar the other on the floor. Maintaining perfect posture do one, ten, one hundred push-ups - whatever you feel necessary - repeat the same number facing the other direction, other arm on A-bar
Assume a perfect plank position adjacent A-bar. One hand on low A-bar one hand holding a dumbbell. Keeping your hips and torso square to the floor lift the dumbbell laterally until level with your shoulder, maintain your posture and return arm to the start position. Perform an equal number of reps with each arm.
Lie on your back, holding a dumbbell in each hand, arms extended to the ceiling, knees slightly bent feet under low A-bar. Exhale and perform a perfect sit-up rotating your arms overhead. Return to the start position. Repeat
Lie on your back with knees bent reaching overhead to grab low A-bar. Tuck your knees to chest and then extend your legs high towards the ceiling. Tuck your knees back down to your chest and roll back to the floor. Repeat
Lie on your back, knees slightly bent, feet under low A-bar, arms extended overhead holding a weight-plate, dumbbell or medicine ball. Exhale sit-up with arms extended and rotate your torso to the right hands outside of right hip. Return to the start position. Exhale sit-up with arms extended and rotate your torso to the left hands outside left hip. Return to the start position. Repeat
Assume a plank position feet on low A-bar. Maintaining perfect posture, balance and control reach your right arm forward to shoulder height, return to plank. Reach your left arm forward to shoulder height, return to plank. Repeat
Assume a plank position hands under shoulders, spine aligned, core tight ready to go. It's a push-up lower your chest to the floor, push yourself up straight. Repeat
Line up in a plank position feet on low A-bar. Maintaining stable posture reach right hand across to touch left shoulder, return to start, reach left hand across to touch right shoulder, return to start, reach right hand across to touch left shoulder, return to start, do one perfect push-up. Repeat the second rep reaching left hand to touch right shoulder, right hand to touch left shoulder, left hand to touch right shoulder, push-up, repeat.
Assume a plank position feet on low A-bar. Keeping your hips and shoulders aligned with the floor carefully reach your right hand across and touch your left shoulder, return to perfect plank and reach your left hand across to touch your right shoulder. Repeat as necessary.
Lie face up on a fit-ball with your arms extended holding high A-bar legs bent, back supported by fit-ball. Start with your feet on the floor knees bent to 90 degrees, thighs parallel to the floor. Keep you legs bent and lift until your thighs are perpendicular to the floor, return feet to the floor with control and repeat. *Alternatively you can perform this exercise one leg at a time until you get the hang of it.
Sit on ball, bands attached to low A-bar. Begin with hands at shoulder height, exhale and push arms directly overhead. Inhale, release. Repeat
It's a push up, on a ball, feet on high a-bar. Ridiculous. BUT if you are going to do this line up a fit-ball directly under your chest and shoulders. Supporting your upper body on the ball step one foot at a time to the high a-bar. Once in a stable plank position Lower your chest to the ball, exhale and push back up to full plank position. Repeat if you are awesome
First things first don't say "but I don't have A-bar. This exercise works the same from the floor to a bench, just follow along. If of course you have the amazing A-bar start in a plank position with both hands on low A-bar. Maintain stunningly correct upper body posture as you reach your right hand to the high A-bar followed by your left hand. From there reach your right hand back down to the low A-bar then your left hand. Just touch that left hand to the low bar then immediately reach the left hand back to the high A-bar then the right. Left arm goes back down, right touches and so on. Repeat with alternating arms as long as your technique is impeccable.
Lie prone on a fit-ball with your hips squarely in contact with the ball. Grab the low A-bar with an overhand grip. Contract your hamstrings, glutei and back extensors and slowly lift your your legs, butt and back towards the ceiling. Pause momentarily and return to the start position.
Lie prone on a fit-ball with your hips squarely in contact with the ball. Hook your heels under low A-bar. Contract your hamstrings, glutei and back extensors (that's your legs , butt and back) and slowly lift your head, chest and shoulders towards the ceiling. Pause momentarily and return to the start position.
Stand in front of your A-bar with resistance tubing attached to either the high (easier) or low (more difficult) A-bar. Holding the end of your tubing squat to the floor, sit, roll out to an extended sit up position, sit up, stand up. Pretty straight forward.
Two partners each on a fit-ball with their backs supported and feet under high A-bar. Partner one with a medicine ball partner two without. Both partners do a crunch on their respective fit-balls sit up, twist and partner one passes the medicine ball to partner two. Both partners performa crunch and repeat the pass, partner two back to partner one. Remember to switch fit-ball with each set so both sides of your obliques are equally taxed. You are welcome...
Seated with impeccable posture on a fit-ball back to A-bar holding resistance bands that are attached to low A-bar with straight arms.
Exhale, contract biceps, bend arms and pull palms towards shoulders. Inhale return arms to start position.
Seated on a fit-ball with impeccable posture back to A-bar holding resistance bands attached to low A-bar. Arms bent, hands behind shoulders, elbows tight to head. Exhale, engage triceps, extend arms overhead. Inhale, return to start position.
Balance on a Fit-ball, butt on ball, hands on opposite shoulders, feet in high A-bar. Exhale and draw ribcage towards pelvis, crunching abdominals flexing spine. Inhale, release, repeat.
On back, face up on a Fit Ball holding high A-bar. Tuck one knee to chest, other leg extended. Alternate drawing one knee in, extending the other leg out
Lie back on Fit Ball holding the high A-bar with extended arms. Feet on floor knees bent at 90 degrees. Exhale draw knees up until thighs are perpendicular to floor and Shins parallel to the floor.
Favorite! I love the Indoboard and the A-bar guarantees a safe learning curve. Set up Indoboard in front of A-bar, step on grounded side of the Indoboard and shift weight until Indoboard balances on roller. Keep hands on or near A-bar and perform perfect squats